Articles found in: technology

Little Red Rails Now Dating Advice Guy
Published on December 29, 2012
As you can tell by reading this post, I’ve updated my domain to! When I first created this website, it wasn’t for online dating at all. It was related to something called ruby on rails (hence the name LittleRedRails). When I switched over to offering dating advice, I never changed my domain name. However, […]
Keep readingGoDaddy Hosting Slow? Why I Switched to HostGator
Published on July 10, 2010
Why has my hosting become so slow? That is the question I found myself asking about my GoDaddy account after a few months of having this website. In this “off topic” article I wanted to discuss my problems for this site when using GoDaddy and why I chose HostGator as my new hosting company. I’ll […]
Keep readingRepairing a Crashed Table in phpMyAdmin
Published on February 8, 2010
I had a nasty surprise for me tonight when I realized none of my posts were available on my blog (the one you’re looking at now!). I could log into WordPress and see everything but my posts showed a count of zero (scary!). My first thought was to restore my latest backup only to realize […]
Keep readingiPad Looks Great But I Still Love My Kindle
Published on January 27, 2010
With the release of the iPad today, I thought I would write about how much I love the Kindle 2. Everywhere I go online today I see the majority of people blogging or twittering about how the Kindle has all but been replaced. Really, any time Apple releases a new product the hype can get […]
Keep readingInstalling Disqus on WordPress Is Amazingly Simple
Published on January 7, 2010
For a while I’ve been considering installing Disqus as my commenting system on this blog. Even with what I consider to be healthy traffic I get very few comments. I thought perhaps using a system like this might encourage a little more conversation. Then again…I am in the business of providing dating advice and sometimes […]
Keep reading10 Dating Profile Headings for Software Engineers
Published on October 24, 2009
I’ve been thinking about doing some online dating profile heading testing (that’s a mouthful!). I’m hoping to share the results here as I currently have a theory that weird or hard to understand headings may work as well as any other. At any rate, while thinking of a good profile heading to test out I […]
Keep readingMassive Drop in Google SERPs after Installing All in One SEO Plug-in
Published on October 8, 2009
Recently I decided I wanted to try and improve my traffic here and I ended up buying a book named Building Findable Websites by Aarron Walter. I really liked the book and would recommend it if you’re looking for a good introduction to SEO. In the book, Aarron discusses the All in One SEO plug-in […]
Keep readingSetting up Ruby on Rails with GoDaddy
Published on January 26, 2008
Back when I first got (my original domain name), my intention was to utilize a technology known as Ruby on Rails. Over the next few months, due to situations out of my control, I realized I was not going to be able to use the site for my original purposes. Eventually, I decided to […]
Keep readingOnline Dating Guide for Handhelds
Published on October 10, 2007
I was recently contacted by someone from the Plucker project with interest in converting my guide to a format for Palm handhelds that could be viewed offline. I was not familiar with Plucker but saw no reason to decline the offer so now the guide is available for handhelds here. Hopefully someone out there using […]
Keep readingUsing WP-Cache on GoDaddy (500 Error)
Published on September 8, 2007
This post has nothing to do with online dating. It has to do with a particular error, 500 Internal Server Error, when using WordPress and the plug-in WP-Cache on a GoDaddy shared server. My hope is that others who experience the issues I had might find this post and (hopefully) will be able to avoid […]
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