Articles found in: dating advice

The Online Dating Busy Season
Published on December 27, 2014
When is the best time to try online dating? I personally don’t feel that there is a best time: if you want to try online dating, it’s the best time to begin! However, I also realize that for many people they don’t even know if they’ll like online dating and want to try it when […]
Keep readingIs Every Person You Meet Horrible…or Something Else Going On?
Published on December 18, 2014
There have been times in my life, often at work, where someone has pointed out a way that I could improve how I’m doing things. I’m almost always surprised when I receive this advice: mostly because I can’t believe I didn’t see that what I was doing was a bad way of doing things. I […]
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Being Open Versus Being Miserable
Published on December 8, 2014
In my online dating guide one of the things I emphasize is being open to different qualities people may have. I recommend this because people get a bit odd with online dating. That may sound rude, so let me explain. When we meet people in the “real” world, often we have no idea when our […]
Keep readingUnique Challenges to Online Dating as a Single Parent
Published on November 29, 2014
Online dating can be challenging at the best of times, but single parents encounter a unique set of extra obstacles. Thankfully, there are smart ways to combat each potential setback, increasing your chances of finding a good match. 1. Time Life can get hectic as you juggle your parental responsibilities and try to squeeze a […]
Keep readingLetting Go of Expectation
Published on October 27, 2014
Everyone to be found on an online dating interface is registered precisely because they are on a search. We sign up to have access to these databases of singles because we are looking for something to satisfy our wanting, and not everyone has the same goal in mind. While browsing the profiles of potentials, one […]
Keep readingDoes Asking a Woman Out Quickly in Online Dating Work?
Published on October 23, 2014
I’m a big fan of getting to the first date quickly in online dating. I wrote about this in detail in my article on planning the first date. I didn’t realize this when I started my website, but it turns out that lots of people giving online dating advice hold this opinion too. Personally, I […]
Keep readingHow Do I Approach a Woman I See Every Day But Don’t Know?
Published on October 19, 2014
For me, online dating was a godsend: I always had trouble approaching women in day-to-day life. For example, if I’m remembering correctly, I only got two phone numbers at a bar in my life prior to online dating (and one of those only applies if Applebee’s counts as a bar). It was always something I […]
Keep readingCatfishing – The New Online Game You Don’t Want to Play
Published on June 20, 2014
Just because MTV now has a full series dedicated to “Catfish” doesn’t mean it’s just a young kid’s game. What is catfishing, you ask? We are not talking about a “plenty of fish in the sea” type reference. Catfishing is the slang term created to describe the situation where an online relationship has been happening […]
Keep readingYour Online Dating Preferences Don’t Matter to Me
Published on May 3, 2014
If you’ve dated online for any amount of time you’ve probably experienced this situation: you find a nearly perfect profile and you’re so excited to contact the person and then notice that they have a requirement that you don’t meet. Do you contact or not? Generally, I feel like those doing the contacting (often men) […]
Keep readingFirst Date Safety with Online Dating
Published on March 8, 2014
You’ve talked to your potential date for days, weeks, or sometimes months on the dating website. Maybe you exchanged numbers and spent time texting each other. Then, you get the invitation to lunch, dinner, or maybe just coffee. You’re a little apprehensive…and rightfully so. You set up your profile in the hopes of meeting that […]
Keep readingNew Relationship: Should I Hide or Delete My Dating Profile
Published on January 27, 2014
If you are asking this question, congratulations! I hope you’ve found what will be a wonderful relationship. That said, you may be at a point so early in this new relationship that you aren’t sure what you should do about your profile. Should you take it down? Or is it better to delete your profile? […]
Keep readingOnline Dating: When They Stopped Responding to Emails
Published on January 6, 2014
In online dating, you’ll sometimes be in an email conversation with a new person and things seem to be going great. Often there seems to be a strong connection and the conversation couldn’t flow better. Then, unexpectedly the person you are emailing stops responding. You might then think, “What did I do wrong? Why aren’t […]
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