My Online Dating Success Story, Continued
Published on October 6, 2012
Last year I talk about my overall experience with online dating, and how my experience turned into an online dating success story.
From time to time, I like to remind people of the joys I have in my life because I stuck with online dating (even after 8 months of failing!) to eventually find that success story. Today I have another reason to talk about my “success” from using online dating:
About two weeks ago, on September 25th, my wife and I had our first baby. Brennan was anxious to see the world and came a few weeks early. We had to spend 5 days in the NICU before finally getting to leave the hospital, but last Sunday we were all finally home together.

I know online dating can be a pain in the butt and I’m not trying to downplay the struggle that it presents: I remember it all too well. However, looking back, each day that passes gives me a new reason to be happy that I didn’t give up.
The internet is full of people who let everyone know how bad online dating is or how sad the people are that use it. I know I’m in the minority but I want to lend my voice to say that online dating is great and the people who use it (and I talk to a lot of you every week) are awesome. Please don’t give up too quickly as I’d hate to think about what I’d be missing right now if that had been my decision.
On a semi-related note, with a new baby I’m finding my life quite hectic. I’ve always run this site because I care about the topic and I enjoy helping people…but running this site is NOT my full time job. So between work and Brennan and normal life responsibilities, my schedule is rather full. I’ll likely be a little slower to respond to those emails or a bit behind on approving comments. Hopefully over time I’ll get better at this but I just want to warn you now: a slow response doesn’t mean I don’t care!
And if you missed it and want to see more of my thoughts on this topic (and a photo of Brennan before he was born) see my article Baby.
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