How to Date a Vegetarian (When You’re Not One Yourself)
Published on April 16, 2012
According to the Vegetarian Times, there are around 7.3 million vegetarians and 22.8 million vegetarian “inclined” people living in America today. With that many salad eaters, chances are you’re going to date a vegetarian at one time or another in your life. If you’re a meat lover, dating a vegetarian may seem a little intimidating but it doesn’t have to be. Just read the tips below and you’ll be dating that legume lover with ease.

Tip One: Avoid New Vegetarians
Often, new vegetarians can be quite preachy and put meat eaters on the defensive, (some even refuse to date meat eaters) and unfortunately, these militant vegetarians give many people a very bad impression of vegetarians.
These vegetable bingers are the ones that will make barfing noises while a Burger King commercial is on TV or try to convert you by sending you videos of animals being tortured or articles on the bad health effects of meat. These people have to realize that this approach doesn’t work and that negativity is never a good way to sell someone on anything. Do not encourage bad behavior, avoid new vegetarians if they are acting this way.
Tip Two: Don’t Be the Mean Meat Eater
Unfortunately quite a few people have run into a militant vegetarian and this tends to taint their perception of all vegetarians that come after. Sometimes the attacked become the attackers and these mean meat eaters end up being rude to easy going nonabrasive vegetarians. This won’t win you any second dates.
If you meet someone who isn’t a fan of meat but is fine with going out to eat at a restaurant that has both vegetarian dishes and meat dishes, great! Now, don’t insult your date by making “yum yum” noises and saying things like “I LOVE meat! The bloodier the better! Want to have a bite? Come on I bet you’re dying for some!”. This kind of behavior is just as bad as the militant vegetarians and I promise you, they won’t find you funny if you make fun of their lifestyle.

Tip Three: It’s OK to Ask Questions
Just like every date you go on is different, every vegetarian is as well. Before going out to dinner, it is polite to ask if they prefer to eat a vegetarian restaurant or if they’re ok with one that is simply “vegetarian friendly”. Ask them what kind of meat they avoid, because some vegetarians will still eat seafood (these are actually called Pescetarians), while others may not even eat eggs or dairy products (they are called vegans). Some people avoid asking questions because they think it’s impolite but it can actually be a good conversation topic with someone new that you’re dating. Just listen and you may learn something new!
Tip Four: Be Considerate, but Not Co-Dependent
If you’re at a restaurant that is vegetarian friendly and serves meat and this is your FIRST date, I would order a vegetarian dish. If it’s your second or third date and you feel like having meat, go for it, just don’t make a big deal about it (like in tip two). Dating is a two way street and just like you’ll have to accept that you’re going to have to find vegetarian friendly places to eat with this new match, they have to accept that once and a while, they’ll have to see you eat some chicken. If that’s a big deal for them, then they may be a little too uptight to date you. Don’t switch your whole lifestyle just for the person you’re dating, unless, of course, eating vegetarian interests you.
Tip Five: See the Person You’re Dating for Who They Are, Not What They Eat
While it’s OK to ask a few questions when you first start dating a vegetarian about their comfort level and lifestyle, it shouldn’t be the only thing you talk about. No need to introduce your date as “Helen the vegetarian”. Move past the food and get on to more interesting topics, like all the great dating advice blogs there online today!
Remember, there’s no such thing as a perfect diet, or a perfect date.
Your date isn’t superior because of how they eat and neither are you. What’s really important is if you two relate well with one another and if you’re facing the same direction in life. As long as you have these two things in common, everything else is just gravy (mushroom or beef, depending on the date).
This is a guest post by Alicia Aubrey from PassionSearch. Like Alicia’s ideas? Read more of her thoughts, ideas and advice on dating at the PassionSearch Blog!
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