Alone Again This Valentine’s Day?
Published on February 12, 2011
I’ve been dating/married to my wife now for almost 6 years and still the number of Valentine’s days I spent alone out-numbers the ones where I’ve been in a relationship. I say this because I know what it feels like to spend this holiday (and many others) alone.
If you’ve managed to find your way to my site for the first time today, you may not even be considering online dating. Dating online changed my life for the good so I’d like to take this time of year to encourage you, wherever you are, to at least consider it.

Times are changing and the acceptance level of online dating is at an all-time high…and the truth is I think most who avoid online dating do so because of what others might think, not what they actually want. If this sounds like you, I’d encourage you to start to consider a different course for your life: make the decisions that stand the best chance to improve your situation and, at least for a while, forget what others might think.
At any rate, happy Valentine’s Day to everyone out there – both the single and the couples!
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