How To Have A Conversation With A Women On A Dating Site
Published on August 11, 2010
This is a guest post by Lior
Isn’t this an age-old question? Irrespective of whether you are face-to-face, on the phone or on a dating site, saying the right thing to a woman you think you might like is always tricky.
It all comes down to forgetting the nerves and being yourself. Some guys can do this easily. They happily churn out happy one-liners and crafty jokes while the ladies lap it up, laugh and beg for more. Though these guys may look super cool to other guys, don’t expect a woman to see it the same way.

Photo by The Welsh Poppy
You see women know there are two kinds of funny guys: the ones that think they are funny and the ones who are funny but don’t necessarily try to be. Yes I know this is confusing but if you try too hard too soon with a woman who’s not ready, she’ll smell it a mile away and be gone like a light.
The same is true of men but one with one subtle difference. If a man tries too hard, he’s seen as macho. If a woman tries too hard, she’s seen as desperate. They are rules made by society and do not apply on an individual level. If a woman feels a man is being too keen, she won’t see it as macho, she’ll just be irritated by it.
Ultimately women are interested in exchange, a genuine swapping of opinions and sharing of experiences. You’ll want to find some common ground.
Thankfully dating sites are set up to make this very easy. You simply click into her profile and check out her likes and dislikes. If you’ve clicked into her profile because you like her picture and you find that she hasn’t filled in any profile information, ask her why? Is she shy? Lazy? Playing hard to get?
There are really lots of options open to you and dating sites make it easy. More than anything women like being heard. Ask her questions. Read her answers and show her that you’re listening. Whether or not she thinks you are funny comes down to personality. Some personalities mesh and some don’t. If you feel you’re not clicking with someone, move on quickly. That’s the point of dating sites.
But if you find a woman that you do click with, show her that you are listening, make it clear that you want to get to know her and you can guarantee that she’ll be wondering when you are going to ask her out on a date.
This guest post was published by Lior who works for a task management company and also consults a nursing wear online brand called Milk Nursingwear
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