Selecting Your Main Photo for Your Dating Profile
Published on July 18, 2010
Picking the right main profile photo is pretty important. Just about every dating site out there has statistics that show that having a photo at all improves you online dating success quite dramatically. This can even be seen without statistics just based on how aggressive dating sites when it comes to getting you to add your photos. They want you to be successful (so that they in turn are successful) and they know that photos are a huge part of your potential success. Still, putting up a profile photo is only a part of the problem. Getting the right main photo in your profile is the real issue.

With that in mind, have I mentioned how much I love OKCupid? This free dating service offers more dating statistics than all the other dating services combined and they recently released a new tool for you to generate your own statistics to help you pick the best photo for your profile: MyBestFace. The service is simple (yet powerful):
- Upload your photos
- Help others by rating their photos
- Get a Full report on your photos based on what others think
My favorite part of this, not surprisingly, is the statistical profile photo reports that are given based on what others think. It’s not just a list that tells you which photo you should use. Instead, it breaks out the people who rated you based on different categories such as Christian, Artists, Liberals, Guys/Girls 18-22, and so on. So not only do they show you your best photo, they also allow you to select the best photo based on the type of person you would want to meet. For example, below are some results for a photo that overall was quite unpopular:
However, as you can see there are groups who actually like the photo. If you were only interested in dating extroverts you might consider using a photo with results like this. Overall it’s a very unpopular photo so I doubt it would be worth it but you get the idea.
So again, I think OKCupid is awesome and once again their bringing value to singles in areas that no one else is even thinking about.
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