The One Time Having a Bad Date Could End Well
Published on May 18, 2010
Have you had a bad date, where things went horribly, horribly wrong? If so, you might be able to win a $50 gift card and some other prizes over at Daily Dating Advice who are having a contest for the worst date story. From the site:
You have 2 weeks, starting now until 06/1/10, to submit your worst date story using the contact form accessible with the link below. In 2 weeks, our expert dating team will review all the stories and select the best one!

My Bad Date Story
I was considering entering the contest myself but decided it wouldn’t be fair since I’ve been told dozens of horror stories running this blog and I could “steal” one of those as my own. Instead, I’ll just share it here. I should say that overall I didn’t have very many problems when I was dating. I did have one girl who was obsessed with death which was disturbing and I had another who brought a friend on our first date which was…annoying. But overall, I had good luck with the women I met. However, my very first date from online dating was probably the most…interesting.
My First Online Date
When I started dating online I really had no idea what I was doing and I wasn’t sure how long I should wait before asking a woman out on a date (you should be asking early, by the way). At any rate, I had been talking to one woman for at least a month. We chatted online, talked on the phone, emailed each other: everything but actually meeting. During this time I had made it clear what I was looking for, part of which was a woman who would share my faith. I thought I had made my beliefs and desires pretty clear. Eventually, I asked her on a date and we were both excited to meet each other.
The date started off fine and we were getting along well. Then after we had been talking for a while, she casually slid into the conversation the fact that she had once worked for a callgirl service. Wow, did that send me for a loop! I really couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned; maybe this fact went over really well on her other dates. At any rate, once the cards were on the table she was excited to talk about it and I learned quite a bit about the “industry” that night. I kept thinking: “Am I crazy? Isn’t this the kind of thing you keep a secret?!” Throughout the night I began to realize she had also been lying about other areas that we had talked about over the previous weeks and I ended up spending the last half hour waiting for the date to end.
Now one or two of my guy friends thought this sounded like a great date but when you’re looking to settle down there are a few things I think you don’t want to hear on a first date and I would say that this is one of them. My first online date left me suddenly wondering if it should be my last. I guess the “date” part of this story isn’t all that bad: the date itself went okay, crazy previous profession and all. What made it so bad was that I felt like I had wasted a month of my life. Not only that, when I got home that night she had sent me several messages saying she was looking forward to getting together again soon. I was leaving town for a week the next day and couldn’t bring myself to allow her to believe for the next week that we would be going out again. So, while it made me feel horrible, I wrote her an email saying I thought we should just be friends. The same date left me feeling like both the bad guy and the person who was lied to.
So there’s my crazy date story. It wouldn’t win any contests considering the date itself really did go okay. I guess if that’s my worst date I faired pretty well considering what many others have gone through! Don’t forget to enter your story at DatingDailyAdvice.
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