Tips on Finding the Man or Woman of Your Dreams
Published on February 16, 2010
As I am frequent to complain about, finding really good dating advice can be difficult. I’ve found some good sources and I try to list them as I find them here. However far, far too many sites offer the “how to seduce a woman” type of advice that really isn’t helping anyone (excluding whoever is selling the advice, and there is almost always a price). This is the type of dating advice that discourages singles more than it helps them and it’s exactly the kind of advice that caused me to write a recent article with tips on taking advice.
I’m getting off topic though because today I want to talk about some great advice, not bad advice. This great relationship advice comes from and describes how to find the guy or girl of your dreams. I know that sounds like a tall order and while taking the advice given is no guarantee to truly lead you to meeting your dream person, it does provide excellent ways to start that process. It’s interesting that this site, which isn’t devoted to dating advice at all, gives far better advice than many of the sites that allege to be providing helpful dating advice.

The article is written for the college aged individuals but the advice given in most cases will be helpful universally. Some of the advice isn’t horribly useful (I’ve already covered how advice like “Be Brave” really isn’t helping anyone) but the good far outweighs the bad. One area that I liked is the concentration paid to having the right attidude when searching for the special someone, such as having real expections and being smart with your emotions. Overall a really great read and highly recommended even if you feel you’re already on the right track.
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