How Do I Write an Email to a Woman with Nothing Interesting in Her Profile?
Published on December 19, 2009
I see this question come up from time to time. The first question I always find myself asking is: Why? Why would you want to contact someone who had nothing interesting in her profile?

I already know the answer as it’s not too hard to figure out: she’s attractive. Even though I wonder at contacting someone who you don’t find interesting, I will still try to answer this to the best of my ability.
First is her profile missing details or do you simply not find what she discusses interesting?
For the Profile Lacking Any Details
For the woman who lists nothing of substance in her profile but does upload attractive photos of herself, I can’t help but wonder if this is a woman who is willing to lean solely on her attractiveness to find dates.
I think for the purposes of contacting a woman with this type of profile, you very well may be able to get by with a compliment and an invitation to have a drink. If her beauty is how she meets men and she is comfortable with it, I see no reason for you to break that mold. A simple “You look beautiful in your photos. Would you like to have coffee/beer sometime.” would be fine.
Dating Scam Profiles Often Follow This Pattern
Be aware that people who perpetrate online dating scams will often use attractive women as bait to take advantage of men so look at these lopsided profiles with some skepticism.
For the Profile You Have Nothing In Common With
I’m aware of the “opposites attract” idea but if you have nothing in common with a woman but are motivated by her attractiveness, I can’t help but feel that you would be wasting her time (and yours in the long run).
If you are motivated solely on attractiveness, my advice is to find another attractive woman who you do have something in common with. Just because you don’t feel she has anything interesting in her profile doesn’t make her uninteresting! It just makes her a bad match for you. The only other option is to either fake an interest or hope that your looks are enough to have her return interest.
In my opinion, a profile lacking anything interesting is not a good sign for dating that woman. I understand beauty is a powerful motivator but I wouldn’t waste my time pursuing a woman on looks alone. I truly do believe you’ll be wasting your time but if you are determined to contact a woman based on her looks alone I don’t see how you’re going to have any success making conversation so include an invitation for a first date in your first email.
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